ICMDA(the International Christian Medical and Dental Association)World Congress gathers Christian doctors and dentists from around the world to further the work of the Holy Spirit, promote the vision and mission of ICMDA, and support the growth and development of its regional branches.
ICMDA is a global network of Christian doctors and dentists who share their faith and serve their local communities. Operating in over 100 countries, ICMDA aims to establish and strengthen Christian medical and dental organizations at the national level. They focus on leadership training, an international family medicine program, webinars, and other initiatives to live out their Christian mission in the field of healthcare.
ICMDA aim to walk in the footsteps of the great physician, the Lord Jesus Christ, who sent his disciples to preach the gospel and heal the sick.
- The VISION of ICMDA is to see a Christian witness through doctors and dentists in every community in every nation.
- The MISSION of ICMDA is to start and strengthen national Christian medical and dental movements.
(Matthew 9:36 & Luke 9:2)